Photography: Exif-style exposure notes

Exposure description notes allow to write down most important information about parameters, which have effect on negative image. It's useful during tests, learning or just for archival purposes. Most beneficial when used with spot metering. Project is for Large Format but can be also used for Medium Format.

Print it 4x on A4/Letter paper and cut as loose cards (could be kept with negatives) or bind into booklet.

Field description:

  1. Negative type, exposure index, etc
  2. Holder number (don't mix negs during developing ;-) )
  3. Date
  4. Sketch of photographed object
  5. Measure time set on light meter - I use T priority so set time, and read measurements as aperture values, if you read EV or exposure values remove this field
  6. Exposure measurements from different points - mark them on sketch (4); I write down f/stop plus 1/3 - 1/10 EV (depend on light meter precision)
  7. Exposure scale - mark each measured point on it to determine scene contrast and decide where should be exposure point (Zone V if you use ZS)
  8. Exposure time set on shutter (exposure determined from 7 has to be adjusted to shutter technical limits or DOF or movement freeze)
  9. Exposure aperture
  10. Used filter - colour and density correction (has to be included in 8+9)
  11. Used lens (for exposure more important is shutter on which lens is moiunted - allows to detect malfunctions)
  12. Close up correction (bellow extension) - calculate it or determine with Quick Disc and include in 8+9
  13. Planned development - after raw analyze of 7 you can decide if negative development will require extension or contraction (N+/N- if you use ZS); allows to group negatives into one batch for development
  14. General description of what you photographed or what wanted to achieve or anything what can be important later

Example of filled exposure description (two exposures, 4B with green filter, no below extension compensated so exposure was 0.4 less than set, incident light measurement f/22 - just to know about light level in that place):
Final image:

Note about A and C point differences in measurements (0.7EV) and that they are almost similar on image - C was green moss so light meter gave higher values but negative was less sensitive to green (speed gap for this part of spectrum). Such trifles you can overlook without detailed notes.

DOCx version - download and adjust to your needs: LF_Negative_ExpDesc.docx


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